Welcome to Year 5
Teachers: Mr Turnbull and Mrs Speller
Learning Assistant: Mrs Underhill
Our class texts for this term are 'Who Let the Gods Out' by Max Evans and 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' by JK Rowling. The former is a fantasy comedy linking in with our Ancient Greece project.
The main writing units will be an extended adventure story based on a Greek Myth, biographical writing and recounts. Over the term, there will also be opportunities for diary writing, character studies, interview scripts and book reviews. The writing will incorporate grammar targets and there will also be weekly grammar lessons.
On Fridays, we will continue our spelling lessons and learn more about vocabulary, punctuation and grammar. Our weekly spelling lists will be posted on Google Classroom and can be practised using the Twinkl Spelling app. We will also use spag.com to consolidate our learning. (Usernames and passwords for both these websites are in the front of our Reading Records.)
In number work, with Mr Turnbull, we will be focusing primarily on place value and mental and written addition and subtraction methods. We will also Some useful websites for practice are: Maths Frame and Top Marks.
Our Shape, Space and Measure unit with Mrs Speller will be on Statistics. We will be drawing, reading and interpreting line graphs and tables.
Our RE topics for Autumn Term are: Creation, The Miracles of the Sick and Advent.
All children will also have the opportunity to plan and lead a whole class collective worship session each week.
We will also be learning about our Class Saint, St Therese of Lisieux. St Therese's "little way" encourages us to show acts of love to others in small ways. We will be thinking about how to do this in our own lives.
To begin with, we will be learning about the 'Earth in Space', which includes understanding the solar system and the properties and movement of the heavenly bodies within it. After the half term break, will study 'Forces' which involves understanding how friction, pushes, pulls and gravity affect movement. The latter topic will be based on lots of practical experiments.
Find out more about these topics here: BBC Bitesize Science.
Our topic for this term is Ancient Greece, which is primarily a history topic, with geographical components. We will study what life was like in the Ancient Greek civilisation. its achievements and the ways they have affected the modern world. Within it there will be art and design technology activities involving pottery design and the making of a model labyrinth.
We will be learning about Typography and Maps this half term. We will develop our ideas about how Typography can be used creatively to communicate thoughts and ideas, creating our own fonts and applying our drawings skills to make visual maps.
We will continue to use Purple Mash (accessed through the WeLearn365 portal) and our Autumn term topic is 'Coding'. In this unit, we will be creating simple playable games, making a simulation of traffic lights and looking at extending our programming skills.
Design and Technology will be taught after Half Term
P.E. will take place on Mondays (swimming for the first 10 weeks at Newbold Leisure Centre) and Thursdays - please remember to bring in your swimming trunks, towels and P.E. kits! Better still, keep the PE kits at school except for washing.