Advice for Close Contacts of Positive COVID-19 Cases-From April 2022
If there is a confirmed case(s) of COVID-19 within your child’s class we will continue to alert you via text and or email. This will enable you to stay vigilant for your child developing any of the symptoms listed below (in which case they should stay at home, avoid contact with others, and stay off until they are well enough and do not have a temperature). In line with national guidance, we recommend that your child continues to attend the setting unless they develop symptoms.
If you do have access to lateral flow tests, you may wish to test your child regularly over a 7 day period. Any child testing positive should stay at home and avoid contact with others for 3 clear days after the day they develop symptoms (or after the day they test if they don’t have symptoms). They can return to school if they are well and do not have a temperature, on day 4.
What to do if you/your child develops symptoms of COVID-19
For most people, especially children, COVID-19 will be a mild illness. If anyone in the household develops any of these symptoms of COVID-19, they are strongly advised to remain at home and avoid contact with others. They can return to normal activities when well and they do not have a temperature. If they have tested positive for COVID-19, it is recommended they stay at home and avoid contact with others for 5 clear days (for adults) or 3 clear days (for children) after the day their symptoms started (or the day they tested if they have no symptoms), and until they are well and have no temperature.
We are asking you to do this to reduce the further spread of COVID 19 to others in the community. If you need support with isolation, please contact Warwickshire County Council on 0800 408 1447.
Further information is available at
Communication with Parents
Should you need to communicate with school at anytime please email the main school office on:
If you have any concerns about a child’s safety you should contact the Headteacher by emailing immediately or ring Warwickshire Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub- MASH on 01926 414144 (this can be done anonymously)
Some other useful phone numbers-: