Welcome to the Nursery
Hello! ಹಲೋ! ഹലോ! Dzień dobry! Olá! ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ !
Autumn Term
The Nursery children have settled really well at St Anthony's and are a delight to teach. We will continue to focus on the prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum: Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Learning in these areas are vital as they support and scaffold learning in the specific areas of the curriculum (Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design).
Our theme for this half of the term is seasonal celebrations- Diwali, Bonfire night, the start of Advent and Christmas.
We have lots to look forward to including a trip to the theatre to see “The Grufalo”, a walk to the Post Office so that we can post our letters to Father Christmas and our Nativity play.
We will also be sending home a story sack every other weekend to enjoy with your child. You can also choose a Nursery story to take home every Friday and return on Monday.
To get an over-view of the learning taking place across the year, you can look at Nursery’s Long Term Plan in the Key Information Section below.
Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!