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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

‘We walk in the footsteps of Christ and are held in the hand of God’

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Wrap Around Care

We offer a range of different before school and after school activity clubs, which provide options for childcare.

For Sports Clubs available please click here


The School is also able to offer wrap around care through a private provider- Mrs Mary Moran who has run Early Birds (8 - 9.00 a.m.) and Night Owls (3.30- 5.30 p.m.) within the School for many years and holds a 'Met' rating from Ofsted.


Welcome to St Anthony’s Early Birds this is a breakfast club where your child/children can enjoy a healthy breakfast and can play in a safe and secure environment. Night Owls is our after-school club for the children of St Anthony’s School. We provide a healthy snack and plenty of opportunity to play in our safe and secure environment.


We provide a variety of games and activities for both Early Birds and Night Owls. These are appropriate for the different ages attending the club. The children have the opportunity to use a variety of different mediums during our craft activities.  We hope that your child/children will enjoy their time with us and gain from the experience.


Please contact Mrs Moran



On Your Marks is the place to go at St Anthony's for everything sporty.
Our clubs run every day and include a wide range of sporting activities for children of all ages. They are a great way to keep your children fit and active as well as offering them the opportunity to develop their skills and try something new. Our clubs also offer the opportunity for children to take part in competitive sport and represent the school in competition.


For full timetable and more information about our clubs please click here
