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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

‘We walk in the footsteps of Christ and are held in the hand of God’

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Computing Curriculum Statement

Computing Curriculum Statement


All pupils at St. Anthony’s Catholic Primary School will be provided opportunities to engage in deep and varied learning experiences in the elements of computing. Technology plays an ever-increasingly important role in society and our lives. With this in mind, we aim to help children develop into digitally literate users of technology who are able to participate effectively, creatively and safely in this digital world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology, whilst providing insights into both natural and artificial systems. Learning about Information Technology will allow pupils to effectively use the functions of computers as well as to create a range of content and media. Through Computer Science, pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. A consistent focus on E-Safety will ensure that children are equipped with the knowledge and skills to evaluate content and use technology in a safe, respectful and responsible manner. At St. Anthony’s computing will be taught in 3 strands of Information Technology (using and creating content with computer functions), Computer Science (programming and coding computer instructions) and E-Safety (evaluating content and using technology safely) which together aim to build overall digital literacy for all children.
