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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

‘We walk in the footsteps of Christ and are held in the hand of God’

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 - Autumn Term!!


Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 6!


Helping you to learn and do your best this term are your teachers Mrs Davies and Ms Place and your Learning Assistant Mrs Newitt. 



Scroll down to see all the fun and exciting learning opportunities we have ahead of us this term!

Things to remember:

P.E - Our P.E days this year are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Children need to have their kits in school for every lesson.


Reading - All children are expected to read at home every night and discuss what they have read with an adult. It is essential that they fully understand the text they are reading and become familiar with new vocabulary so that they can apply this learning to their writing. Children's records need to be signed every night and handed in to be checked each morning. This is vital for children to progress across the whole curriculum.

Remember you can use Bedrock at the weekend and in the evenings too; this will massively enhance your child's vocabulary skills.

We have a large class library stocked full of exciting books for your children to enjoy as well as a school library book and their reading scheme book. In class we are also reading When the Sky Falls and Pig Heart Boy - two very exciting texts.   


Home Learning - In Year 6, home learning will be set on a Wednesday and a Friday and needs to be handed back into school on the following Monday (unless otherwise stated). Children will be set a range of tasks that may be accessed on Google Classroom or will be given to the children in their home learning books.

Extra learning at home may be given at other times and children are encouraged to research and practice what they have been learning at school, at home at any time. There are many fun websites and quizzes available on the internet for the children to access, to aid and develop their learning.

Remember children can always access and the brand new Rollama website - which has 1,000's of games to practice all your grammar skills. (Children have their own individual log ins for these sites in their reading diaries.)


Water bottles - Please remind your children that they need a water bottle in school each day.


If you have any questions please feel free to come and ask, preferably at the end of the school day. 


Mrs Davies, Ms Place  and Mrs Newitt.










Autumn Term Topic Knowledge Organiser

Autumn Curriculum Letter for Parents
